Thursday, 2 October 2014

The old Roman port in Venotene

After the unimpressive island of Capri, we did not expect much of the small island of Venotene. They main reason we decided to stop there, is that is was located at a convenient distance on our way to Sardinia. However, Venotene managed to impress. According to the notes there is supposed to be a free town key. As the weather was quite calm, we decided to anchor off the old Roman port instead. We took the little SaltyPaws into the old Roman harbor, and tied off to a bollard installed by the Romans themselves. Looking at the remains of the ancients is one thing, but sailing into their port, and tying off to an original bollard is like being part of the ancients. What was good enough for the Romans, is actually still good enough for the locals, and yachties that park their boats into the old Roman harbor every day.
And it does not stop there. At the quay, there were many shops, that where dug out of the stones. Doorways and windows where hewn directly into the stone. They where protected from the sun, by an arcade, also hewn out of the rocks. You can almost see the Romans walk about at this place.
And Venotene had even more to offer. When walking up the steep steps towards the main square, we had a magnificent view over SaltyPaws, and the adjacent island housing a fortress. The main square is quite pleasant, with a massive town hall. There was also a little square with really chilled out looking coffee stops. The supermarket had a large assortment of fresh wine, and other products.

 We ended up not eating out in the many nice restaurants. Instead we went into a take-away pizza place, build into one of the original Roman shops. Pizza in an old Roman place, is there a better way to combine the new and the old of Italy?

Little SaltyPaws is moored up to a Roman bolard

In front of the pizza shop, which has been in the Roman arcade. A shop has been here for several milennia!

SaltyPaws looking smug at anchor in Venotene

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