Tuesday 19 August 2014

A Round around SanTorini for my birthday

A Round around SanTorini for my birthday

What would you like for your birthday, is a question that I find harder to answer every year. Other than a smallish and ever expanding wish list of kite equipment, the list is pretty short. This year, for my birthday, I got a tour around SanTorini, and I could not be more happy about this gift.

We started with a night sail from our kite spot at Paros, towards the south end of Ios. After a nightly anchor drop in the tranquil bay, we continued sailing the next morning. SanTorini is notoriously hard for finding good anchor spots, but we found some close to the airport. However, we decided to continue our tour. By this time the wind had picked up from a leisurely 4 Beaufort, to a strong 6. For about one hour we had to motor straight against it. Once in the caldera, the waves subsided a bit, and we could once again switch off the engine. Elizabeth served a very nice organic! Chocolate mouse on a bed of fruit. Very nice, and healthier than your average birthday cake. Once inside we could see at least 4 cruise ships lined up, and a largish amount of Super yachts. On the outside of SanTorini we were surprised by the amount of parasols and sun beds on the beach. I allays thought people would visit the island, so they could enjoy it's beauty, the archaeological sites. The volcano and its cuisine and to top it all off the tightly wound villages, where once terrace is the neighbor's roof, and only donkeys can transport any loads as the roads are too narrow and steep for the cars. Apparently, the average tourist does not care about all this, and prefers to spend his time at the beach.

The caldera, the steep cliff edges and the cities precariously balanced on top are one impressive sight. A few years ago, we did a round around the central island on Andy's birthday, and it is only fitting that we came back for another round on my own.

After our tour around SanTorini, we steamed up with the massive cruise ship, that we have seen before in Stavanger (had MSC written on the side). We were running at 7 knots, and the large cruise ship took a long time overtaking us. At about ten o'clock at night, we dropped anchor again at Paros, to get a good night's sleep in preparation for a few more days of kiting.

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