Tuesday 9 September 2014


Greek salad

A fig and cheese sandwich

It was Elizabeth's turn to pick the anchorage, and she picked Anti-Paxos. While we were not planning to stop here, it turned out to be a wonderful little island, with a well stocked market. The anchorage was a little crowded, and the ground tricky: Rocks with small patches of seaweed and sand. Excalibur managed to hold on to one such tiny patches.
The Town in Anti-Paxos is really nice, with good restaurants and plenty to see. After not seeing any decent catfood for the entire period we were in greece, we finally hit the jackpot. The lady at the counter asked us: "How many cats do you have?". Actually, all this food is for just one cat, Luna.
In front of the town, there is a little island, separated from Anti-Paxos  by a small natural channel. When we cruised the channel, in our launch, we were amazed by how many boats where moored up here. A few hundred meter was packed with side-to side boats, all moored stern to the rocks.
We also met a Dutch couple cruising in their van der Stadt yacht. This is a famous Dutch boat, desinged by a well known designed. When cruising the northern passige, I would prefer the metal van der Stadt over say a plastic Halberg Rassey.

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