Wednesday, 13 August 2014

A visit to the ancient Singapore of the Med - Delos


Delos was the Singapore of the Mediterranean. Trade in Delos was tax free, and it is hard to believe that on the barren island, measuring only 1 by 5 kilometers, once used to be the home of 30000 people. OK, Delos has quite a few things going for it. For starters, it was the birthplace of the god Apollo. We could see exactly where Apollo was born, because the precise spot of the birth is marked with a palm tree. Furthermore, it has a very large natural harbor, and it is the Center of the Cyclades. When we visited Delos, we made an effort to be early, and we managed the visit before most of the other ships arrived. However, when we made the dingy ride back to our boat, there were many yacht anchored off, many could be classified as super-yachts1. But even this was nothing compared to the ancient harbors, that could house 150 large ships each. The houses on Delos are some of the best preserved examples, complete with central mosaic, cistern to collect water, and stucco on the walls. The house of Hermes even featured two levels, complete with columns on the upper level. As engineers we could not help but marvel over the ingenious sewer system, that connected each of the houses to the central system under the roads. And every self respective town of antiquity is not complete without its own theater, squares, temples, hippodrome and such like. Delos is the largest open air excavation in Europe, and a truly marvelous place. We took a guided tour, and really liked how our guide Cleopatra made the ancient stone come back to life.

1 Definition of Super yacht: It has to feature at least 3 domes, crew in shorts, and a massive supply of recreational pharmaceuticals.

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